Monday, May 21, 2012

Third marking period

#14 USB Flash Drive
I created this with adobe illustrator and saved it in photoshop.

#15 Daily schedule brochure (Part 1)
I made this with Microsoft Publisher

#15 Daily schedule brochure (Part 2)

#16A 2D shapes
I used Google Sketch to make different types of shapes.

#16B 3D shapes
 I used the previous shapes to make them 3D.

#16C 3D name
 By using my knowledge of making objects look 3D, I made my name look 3D.

#16D 3D models
I created 12 different shapes by making one giant block and cutting the different parts to create details.

#17 Unique shape
I used my skills from the 12 blocks to make a unique block.

#18 3D house
I used google sketch to make the house and then I used photoshop to make the 3D effect.

#19 Power button
I made a power button in photoshop and then used animation to make the button glow red.

In multimedia class, I learned how to use Photoshop to create images and special effects on photos. I used photoshop to make black and white pictures have color and used special effects to make pictures glow or darken. Not only did I learn how to use Photoshop, I also learned how to use adobe illustrator, Microsoft Publisher and Google sketch. With Google sketch I created 3D shapes and models. I even created my own house. In adobe illustrator I created a realistic USB Flashdrive. For Microsoft Publisher I learned to create a brochure. This class has taught me how advertisments and professional photographers are able to make great photos for profit and artisitc use.

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